Download our guide:
“7 Ways of Interpreting and Responding to: Not Getting the Job You Interviewed For.”

Didn’t get the job you were interviewing for?

It’s normal to feel a range of emotions when you spent your time, energy, and hope on a job that ultimately you weren’t selected for.

Did you know that how you’re feeling right now is connected to the way you’re interpreting this situation?

The way we see and interpret situations influences how we feel, which then influences how we respond.

For example, if you’re interpreting the news that you didn’t get the job as indication of your worth or employability, then it would be understandable to feel insecure, anxious, dejected, or any other emotion associated with self-judgement.

When you feel that way, it can be difficult to make productive choices in service of your next steps.

There are 7 general ways of viewing and interpreting any situation we may encounter. Each interpretation leads to different behaviors, which then influence our outcomes.

Download our guide to see 7 different ways to interpret and respond to not getting the job.